“It’s a Miracle!!”

After an earthquake shoke  a country…a tsunami hit an island…we’ll always hear some structures that were “miraculously” spared…an old mosque maybe…an old building or two..which mysteriously survive even though a more modern building crumbles…

A mosque survives the tsunami

A mosque  survives an earthquake

A miracle is one way to see it…we can just go on with our lives like usual after that….a miracle is unexplainable as it is…so,why ponder?

But there’s always another view….what if,the buildings that survived..were actually built to last longer,better…with standard more than that were destroyed…The Standard of Allah….

As Sunnatullah(Law of Allah)…will always prefer the better and the best than the lesser ones(eventhough principally it’s good)….hence as Ali karramallah hu wajhah said something like this

the Good(Haqq) without a system will always lose to the Bad(Baatil) with a better system”

..how very true…

Pyramids..built to last..most probably they’ll still be here for another thousand year

Imagine a group of people building a structure..using the best materials,from the best plan of the best architects…it’s destined to last longer than a building made by lazy people,using a plan made hastily(or from an unprofessional man)from greed…it’s just plain logic….

Now…are we doing our jobs according to Allah’s Standard…or are we just building “something” that will collapse on our heads in the near future…

Hopefully…a lesson is learnt from the stadium


PS: This Article was inspired from a talk by Shaykh Hamza Yusuf

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