“I’m a platypus”

During my early teens one of my teachers played this game when she asks “What non-human form that best resembles you?” and then she assessed her students’s pshycology based on that..interesting…

One said “I think I’m a cat” which kind of suits her…

Another said “I’m a volcano”  which was kind of weird..

And I told her “I’d like to think that I’m a platypus “

“A what?”..”A platypus maam..”    guess I was the weirdest guy in the class..

Platypus is an amalgam of a mammal,a reptile and a bird…furred,duck billed with a venomous spur…it’s was so dumbfounding that it was considered a fraud when it was 1st presented to scientist..

Ironic because hoaxes like the ones to prove man evolved from apes,where they put together jaws of apes like orang utan to human skull are readily believed(even untill now) 

Recently, scientist had successfully mapped platypus’s genome..which reminds me of my previous fascination to them..and that I still think that I’m a platypus in the society…I just don’t think that I can assimilate fully in 1 particular group of people…



7 thoughts on ““I’m a platypus”

  1. La..gbr kt ym a.zam ni gbr platypus ke..aiza ingatkan dulu gbr kuku yang dah necrosis and gangrene..

    hi3..hebat x imagination;)

    betul, sbb gbr kecik kot

    skang dh clear dh..
    haah la…mcm a zam


  2. dulu masa kem bina insan faci suruh aku lukis sekor binatang menggambarkan aku dan sekor lagi menggambarkan pair aku tu (seorang pompuan)..dia pun kena wat benda yang sama..


    aku lukis gorilla untuk aku..
    aku lukis buaya untuk dia..

    dia lukis kucing untuk dia..
    dia lukis anjing untuk aku..


  3. aiza:sori…tah nape komen tu lekat dalam spam..pelik2..agak jauh la..kuku ngn platipus..hehe

    eh2..bukan sama dari segi fizikal la..huhu…kecik dari kucing platipus tu..hehe….

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